Prestressed concrete - Search
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  1. Prestressed concrete
    Prestressed concreteConcrete used in construction
    OverviewHow it worksInvention ofUsesApplicationsDisadvantagesExamples
  2. Pre-tensioned concrete

    Pre-tensioned concrete is a variant of prestressed concrete where the tendons are tensioned prior to the concrete being cast. The concrete bonds to the tendons as it cures, following which the end-anchoring of the tend… See more

    Post-tensioned concrete

    Post-tensioned concrete is a variant of prestressed concrete where the tendons are tensioned after the surrounding concrete structure has been cast.
    The tendons are not placed in direct contact wit… See more

    Tendon durability and corrosion protection

    Long-term durability is an essential requirement for prestressed concrete given its widespread use. Research on the durability performance of in-service prestressed structures has been undertake… See more


    Prestressed concrete is a highly versatile construction material as a result of it being an almost ideal combination of its two main constituents: high-strength steel, pre-stretched to allow its full strength to be easily reali… See more

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